Powder Coating Plant
We are the leading manufacturer of Powder Coating Powder. We are providing Powder Coating Plant of Gema. We can customize the plant as per your business need.


To save environment, we introduced pollution free paint booth.

We are customizing plant as per your business need,

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Call Today For A Free Estimate +91- 9811357749

Powder Coating Plant
We are the leading manufacturer of various types of Powder Coating Plant in India. Our firm specializes in any surface coatings with any kind of powders. Basically, we help you to provide with a state of the art Coating Plant, well worthy of your investment, more efficient, better production with decreasing time per job.
We basically believe in the client requirement, yes we suggest it in a better way but in the end, it will be designed as per your plant capacity.
With the non-comparable capacity, we are the leading manufacturer of powder coating plants and various machines in India. We have planted the powder coating plant in almost every city of India whether it is of Almirah, Cooler, Automobiles, manufacturing machines, or any other industrial parts.
We believe that if you want to set up a Powder Coating Plant then various parameters must be kept in mind such as the sizes and shapes of the components you want to coat, coating quality required by your client and thickness of paint material required, the production speed (number of jobs /day or hour), space available for plant and many more factors at the time of quality discussion.
Our range of Coating Plant facility includes basic manual Plant to conveyorised automatic Plant with auto reciprocators and auto guns. Our advanced technology will help you to get better results in durability, speed, exact calculation. It basically creates the data that you can compare with the future data to make the best progress report. It will help you to make better strategies as well.
Our powder recovery technology offers to work in all denominations. It comes from the basic mono cyclone to multi cyclones and finally cartridge recovery system as well.
The booths are offered in SS, CRCA-Powder Coated as per agreement. Their basic purpose is to collect all the over-sprayed powder that didn’t interact with the component that throws off the powder coating gun.
Also, the recovery booths are of various types depending upon their increased efficiency. They are single cyclone, multi-cyclone, and cartridge type as well. It always deepens on your requirements.

Advantages / Why you should go for a Powder Coating plant?
- Energy-Efficient Designs / Low Power Consumption
- Remote System is available for best controlling from anywhere
- Minimum Operating Costing
- Best in Function with Simple Designs
- Advanced and Optimum Powder Recovery Technology
- Best Powder Management System
- Automatic Equipment for better results
- No Primer needed
- Reduced overspray losses and maximum saving of powder
- Labour costs are reduced.
- The plant occupies less space
- No flameproof equipment needed
- Various Denominations of ovens can be offered as per the budget and designs.
- Remotely Controlled by anywhere. You can control the plant even from your office.
- Direct Gas Type – c/w Imported Burner and Heat Exchanger
- Indirect Type of Heating System as per requirement
- Suitable for “n” number of Jobs/day
- Semi and fully automatic plant with PLC controlled system
- Pre Treatment designed are dip type 5-9 tanks made of MS Tanks
- Material handling of Overhead Conveyor to PLC Controlled Transporter
- Automatic Electrical Panel and Wiring
- Execute the project on a turnkey basis